Check List of Birds
Biological Station Cerro de la Muerte
By Gilbert Barrantes, Ph.D. April, 2001
Scientific Name |
English Name |
Status |
Acanthidops bairdii |
Peg-billed Finch |
endemic |
Aegolius ridgwayi |
Unspotted Saw-whet Owl |
resident |
Aulacorhynchus prasinus |
Emerald Toucanet |
resident |
Basileuterus melanogenys |
Black-cheeked Warbler |
endemic |
Bolborhynchus lineola |
Barred Parakeet |
resident |
Buarremon brunneinucha |
Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch |
resident |
Buteo brachyurus |
Short-tailed Hawk |
migrant |
Buteo jamaicensis |
Red-tailed Hawk |
res/mig |
Buteo platypterus |
Broad-winged Hawk |
migrant |
Buteo swainsoni |
Swainson's Hawk |
migrant |
Caprimulgus saturatus |
Dusky Nightjar |
resident |
Cathartes aura |
Turkey Vulture |
res/mig |
Catharus gracilirostris |
Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush |
endemic |
Chamaepetes unicolor |
Black Guan |
resident |
Chlorophonia callophrys |
Golden-browed Chlophonia |
endemic |
Chlorospingus pileatus |
Sooty Bush-Tanager |
endemic |
Colibri thalassinus |
Green Violet-ear |
resident |
Columba fasciata |
Band-tailed Pigeon |
resident |
Coragyps atratus |
Black Vulture |
resident |
Cypseloides niger |
Black Swift |
resident |
Dendroica virens |
Black-throated Green Warbler |
migrant |
Diglossa plumbea |
Slaty Flowerpiercer |
endemic |
Elaenia frantzii |
Mountain Elaenia |
resident |
Elanoides forficatus |
Swallow-tailed Kite |
res/mig |
Empidonax atriceps |
Black-capped Flycatcher |
endemic |
Eugenes fulgens |
Magnificent Hummingbird |
resident |
Haplospiza rustica |
Slaty Finch |
resident |
Henicorhina leucophrys |
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren |
resident |
Junco vulcani |
Volcano Junco |
endemic |
Lampornis castaneoventris |
Gray-tailed Mountain-gem |
endemic |
Lepidocolaptes affinis |
Spotted-crowned Woodcreeper |
resident |
Margarornis rubiginosus |
Ruddy Treerunner |
endemic |
Melanerpes formicivorus |
Acorn Woodpecker |
resident |
Myioborus torquatus |
Collared Redstart |
endemic |
Nothocercus bonapartei |
Highland Tinamou |
resident |
Notiochelidon cyanoleuca |
Blue-and-white Swallow |
resident |
Odontophorus guttatus |
Spotted Wood-Quail |
resident |
Pachyramphus versicolor |
Barred Becard |
resident |
Panterpe insignis |
Fiery-throated Hummingbird |
endemic |
Parula gutturalis |
Flame-throated Warbler |
endemic |
Pezopetes capitalis |
Large-footed Finch |
endemic |
Phainoptila melanoxanta* |
Black and Yellow Silky Flycatcher |
endemic |
Picoides villosus |
Hairy Woodpecker |
resident |
Piranga bidentata |
Flame-colored Tanager |
resident |
Pselliophorus tibialis |
Yellow-thighed Finch |
endemic |
Pseudocolaptes lawrencii |
Buffy Tuftedcheek |
resident |
Pseudoscops clamator |
Striped Owl |
resident |
Ptilogonys caudatus |
Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher |
endemic |
Pyrrhura hoffmanni |
Sulfur-winged Parakeet |
resident |
Scytalopus argentifrons |
Silvery-fronted Tapaculo |
endemic |
Selasphorus flammula |
Volcano Hummingbird |
endemic |
Streptoprocne zonaris |
White-collared Swift |
resident |
Thryorchilus browni |
Timberline Wren |
endemic |
Turdus nigrescens |
Sooty Robin |
endemic |
Turdus plebejus |
Mountain Robin |
resident |
Vireo carmioli |
Yellow-winged Vireo |
endemic |
Wilsonia pusilla |
Wilson's Warbler |
migrant |
Zeledonia coronata |
Zeledonia |
endemic |
Zonotrichia capensis |
Rufous-collared Sparrow |
resident |
G. Barrantes (Ph. D. thesis) |