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Contact us!

If you are interested in knowing more about the Cerro de la Muerte Biological Station (CMBS), or if you require specific information about species, environment or meteorological data, feel free to request it free of charge. The station counts with a picture gallery and all the images shown in this site are stored with a higher resolution, plus many others not shown. Those pictures are also available upon request. We ask you maintain the copyrights visible and you are welcome to use them as well.

The CMBS is strictly for research and academic purposes. If your interests are within those boundaries, you are welcome to visit and stay in the Station for as long as you wish. There are accommodations for 30 people any time of the year including meals and guidance if necessary.

E-mails can be directed to:

Phone number is: (506) 236 72 73, (506) is the country code – Costa Rica
Mobile number is: (506) 8371 2899

We hope to hear from you!!!